
Tyre doubling & unpacking machine


Tyre doubling & unpacking machine

Date:2015-08-20 10:37:23 Tyre doubling & unpacking machine /Give me the price / Leave a message
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The device in operation in this video is the tyre doubling & unpacking machine. It can pack three tires of different sizes into one.

tyre doubling machineWaste tyre is compressed by tyre doubling & unpacking machine

And it can take apart the packed waste tires.

tyre unpacking machineThe tyre doubling & unpacking machine unpacks the packed tyres

This tire doubling & unpacking machine is mainly used by waste tyre dealers to double or unpack tyres. Itcan save tyre dealers storage space for waste tyres and reduces shipping costs.

It is driven mainly by compressed air, so there is no danger of electric shock. As you can see from the picture, its size is small and its weight is not big, so it is very easy to transfer or transport. The following is the technical parameters of the tyre doubling & unpacking machine.

Technical parameters of tyre doubling & unpacking machine

Technical parameters of tyre doubling & unpacking machine
1MachineTyre doubling & unpacking machine
2FunctionMake several tires nested together with reversible unpacking function
3AdvantageSave place for used tyre storing and transport
8PowerCompressed air without electricity
9Pressure6kg / 6bar / 0.6Mpa

♦ Compared to other tire processing machine, like tire cutting machine, this small tyre doubling & unpacking machine has several main advantages as below.

Main advantages of this small tyre doubling & unpacking machine

1. For some tyre dealers, they want to keep complete tyres for further use, so they don't want to cut tyres for better storing and transport, then they can use the tyre doubling & unpacking machine to make several tyres nested together firstly. After transport, they can unpack the tyres to normal for further use.

2. For some tyre pyrolysis factories, they want to fill as many tyres as possible inside the reactor for pyrolysis to oil. But as we all know that tyres contain steel wire which is difficult to press. This time you will need to use a tyre cutter to cut tyres into small pieces. But after cutting, the steel wire inside tyres will become small pieces mix with carbon black after pyrolysis process, which is difficult to separate. For tyre doubling & unpacking machine, you can use it to make several complete tyres together, then put them into the reactor. It can not only save the plave, the steel wire inside tyres also can keep complete. After pyrolysis, the big steel wire can tangling together, which is easy to pull out by a hook.

tyre pyrolysis Big steel wire can tangling together and be pulled out by a hook

3. This tyre doubling & unpacking machine doesn't need electricity to work. It powered by compressed air. which can save so much energy.

4. Tyre doubling & unpacking machine is easier to operate and more efficiently. It can be operated by only one worker, which can make 3 tires nested together within 1 minutes.

So in conclusion, the tyre doubling & unpacking machine can not only save the storage and transport cost, but also save the energy, the labour and the time.

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