
Is it feasible to invest the tyre to oil plant when oil price goes down?


Is it feasible to invest the tyre to oil plant when oil price goes down?

Date:2015-08-11 17:47:55 Industry Trends /Give me the price / Leave a message
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feasible to invest the tyre to oil plantWaste tyre solutions

As we know tyre to oil plant is for recycling waste tyres to oil, which means turning waste to wealth. So there were so many businessmen turned their eyes to this project. But recently with the oil price goes down, most of them began to think its feasibility. And most of them gave the negative answers to themselves. So they look away from this project and left a words: Now the oil price is so low, we want to do it when oil price goes up.

Normally, I’ll say ok, why not. After all it’s reasonable.But if you think it over, you’ll find that you’re not totally right.Actually all the investment are the same, come with all kinds of uncertainties. But you cannot conclude if a project is feasible or not just in your own sight. Only someone who can see through the appearance to perceive the essence and see through the present to long run will get the best return. Like when Warren Buffet invested BYD, almost everyone said it’s crazy. But only Buffet knew it’s feasible. Then finally he got so big return that many people still cannot believe it.Then we can go back to the tyre to oil plant. Now most people think this project is no longer feasible just because the oil price goes down.As we all know the oil price is always with ups and downs and cannot forecasted by anyone.

feasible to invest the tyre to oil plantEnvironmental pollution caused by burning tyres

First and foremost, the waste tire problem has become a serious environmental problem in some countries. The procedure unlike common perception is totally eco friendly and will not employ need any chemical ingredients whatsoever. Further tyre waste can lead to several skin, breathing and bronchial diseases when they’re recycled as well as let to decompose naturally. All these could be avoided when one makes use of the right tyre to oil plant. Many tests have already been conducted to demonstrate that this tire pyrolysis process is totally safe towards the environment and don’t cause any damage to soil, water and also other natural substances.So the government will also very support you to do this project.

In addition, There’s no question that over time, the tyres can become useless and will have to be discarded. Raw material availability is very little problem, price is extremely lowand one can expect a nonstop way to obtain recycleables because tyres will get damaged will not be fit to use again.

feasible to invest the tyre to oil plantFuel oil applications produced by tyre to oil plant

Finally, waste tyres can indeed be cracked into fuel oil and carbon black with the tyre to oil plant. Fuel oil is an efficient fuel to use in commercial settings such as power plants, cement factories, iron factories and even in establishments including restaurants, and can be reprocessed again into diesel if you use a waste oil distillation machine. Carbon black is another end product that could be sold as is also or reprocessed right into a high-quality carbon if you use a carbon black grinding machine. This end product is also utilized for making carbon bricks if you use carbon black briquette machine.Both products have broad market prospects and high prices.

feasible to invest the tyre to oil plantDOING tyre to oil plant

This way, you still have much profit to get from this tyre to oil plant even when oil price goes down. Don’t you think so?

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