
How to refine oil ?


How to refine oil ?

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How to refine oil ?

From pressing or extraction to cooking oil, it is also a long way to go. And the biggest problem of crude oil is that it contains many kinds of impurities which is not healthy to human or shorten its storage life, such as mechanical impurities, FFA(free fatty acid), pigments, unexpected ordor, etc. Thus refining is important to oil production.

Step 1: Mechanical impurities such as scrap iron must be removed before any process. In general, it's better to equip a security filter before any main refining machine to prevent mechanical demage.

How to refine oil - filter

Step 2: FFA(free fatty acid) would shorten the shell life of oil. In order to lengthen the shell life, deacidification is necessary to remove FFA from crude oil. And deacidification pot is needed in this section.

Step 3: Pigments in crude oil makes different kinds of oil different color, pleasant or not. Usually we prefer oil wiith light color, so that's why decolorication is needed. And in this step, decolorication pot is the main equipment.

Step 4: Ordor materials in crude is also a big problem for oil. For example, beany flavor in soybean oil is very annoying when cooking. So, deodorization must be achieved to remove this unpleasant ordor. Deodorization tower is the main equipment in this step.

How to refine oil? Reacrors

How to refine oil? More inforamtion about oil refinery

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