
What’s the advantages of Biodiesel?


What’s the advantages of Biodiesel?

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Advantages of Biodiesel fuel:

1>An alternativefuel to petro-diesel

Blends of 20%biodiesel with 80% petroleum diesel can be used in unmodifieddiesel engines. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form but many require certain engine modifications to avoid maintenance andperformance problems.

2>A renewableenergy source

It was statedthat about half of the biodiesel industry can use recycled oil orfat, the other half being soybean, or rapeseed oil according tothe origin of these feed stocks.


Biodiesel isnontoxic, biodegradable. It reduces the emission of Harmfulpollutants (mainly particulates) from diesel engines(80% less CO2emissions, 100% less sulfur dioxide) but emissions of nitrogenoxides (precursor of ozone) are increased.

4>Good lubricity

Biodiesel has ahigh cetane number (above 100, compared to only 40 for dieselfuel). Cetane number is a measure of a fuel's ignitionquality.The high cetane numbers of biodiesel contribute toeasy cold starting and low idle noise.


The use ofbiodiesel can extend the life of diesel engines because it ismore lubricating and, furthermore, power output are relativelyunaffected by biodiesel.


Biodieselreplaces the exhaust odor of petroleum diesel with a more pleasantsmell of popcorn or French fries.

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