
India called for the plastics industry to increase recycling


India called for the plastics industry to increase recycling

Date:2014-07-25 18:13:04 Industry Trends /Give me the price / Leave a message
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Currently, both China and the world , in recycling plastics industry are doing is not very good on Plastivision exhibition held in Mumbai , India, two senior officials from the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers plastics industry calls for more action , noting that the obvious question litter and plastic bags and other plastic waste could be undone contribution to society made by the plastics industry , hurt the growth of this industry.

Chemicals and petrochemicals sector , said the Secretary-General Avinash Joshi , Indian plastics industry, " image is very negative , which may be because people do not understand this industry , it may be because people litter ." "As an industry, we are very passive , "Joshi said," whenever some negative news came out, we instantly become positive , but we ourselves do not take the initiative to do something . " speech at the opening ceremony , Joshi did not indicate that the plastics industry taken action, but in a later interview, he said the industry needs greater efforts to support the recovery, as increased advertising investment, promoting the benefits of plastics. "Do not just recycling, we also need to name the plastic ." He said.

Another official of Ministry of Chemical Industry of India Indrajit Pal also pointed out that plastic bags in the plastics industry is only a small part of the problem , but in terms of the public is increasingly prominent. India, several local governments have banned or restricted the use of plastic bags. He called on the industry to mark what resins used in a variety of products in order to better help the recovery . He said there are some bright spots recycling industry , such as India 's PET packaging recycling rate of 50 %. "I hope the plastics industry can become more proactive in recycling ." In view of the environmental problems , he said.

Pal is the main guest speaker this Plastivision exhibition opening ceremony . The exhibition on December 12 -16 Convention and Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, India , is expected to attract 100,000 concept of exhibitors . Show organizers All India Plastics Manufacturers Association said they set up a special pavilion at the show , the plastic used to emphasize the contribution to protecting the environment and improving the standard of living to make . For example , plastics are widely used in agricultural water-saving systems, including drip irrigation equipment ; and plastic contributions to innovation in medical devices , etc. Plastivision is India's second largest plastics exhibition this year, India's economy is full of a lot of uncertainty .
Plastivision is India's second largest plastics exhibition this year, India's economy is full of a lot of uncertainty . President of the National Advisory Committee Plastivision Arvind Mehta said , the slow growth of the plastics industry in India is because the Indian economy as a whole , there are some problems. Over the next two decades, the Indian plastics market will usher in an unprecedented opportunity. Global plastic demand will reach a new height , while India is not going to give up this good opportunity . This plastic exports accounted for only 1.5% of the global market great country needs to do is to consolidate and upgrade the existing level of technology , increase production levels , increase the utilization of plastics applications.

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