
What's the oil content of various oil seeds?


What's the oil content of various oil seeds?

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Cooking oil

There are many oil seeds can be used to make cooking oil. But various oil seeds contains different percent oil. Do you want to know the oil content of various oil seeds? Now I will list the oil content of common oil seeds.


Groundnut/peanut seeds. The oil content of groundnut is about 46-51%. The groundnut oil, as know as peanut oil or arachis oil, is the most popular oil in China, South Asian and Southeast Asian. People use it both for general cooking oil and roasted oil for added flavor.


Soybean/ soya/ soya bean. Natural soybean contains 18-21% oil in it. Now more and more transgenosis soybean has been used to make soybean oil. The soybean oil is one of the most widely consumed cooking oil.


Canola/ Rapeseed. The oil content in canola is 35-42%. The canola oil is got from canola seeds or rapeseed. It can be used as cooking oil. In the world, main canola oil processing plant are in European Union, Canada, China, India, and Australia.


Sesame. The sesame oil is also called gingelly oil or til oil. It’s a vegetable oil derived from sesame seed. It’s not only popular as cooking oil in South India, but also used as a flavor enhance in China, Japan, Middle Eastern, Korean and Southeast Asian. The oil content of it is 45-55%.

Oil sunflower seed

Oil sunflower seed. The oil content of the whole sunflower seed is 22-36% and the oil content of kernel is 45-55%. The sunflower oil is a new kind of cooking oil known as by more people. It’s can be used as frying oil.The world’s largest sunflower oil producers now are Russian, Argentina and Ukraine.

Cotton seed

Cottonseed. The oil content of cottonseed ranges from 15% to 25%. This oil seeds are usually got from the cotton processing plant. Only the cottonseed kernel contains oil. The crude cottonseed oil has gossypol. The gossypol is harmful to human, so it must be refined.

Corn germ

Corn germ. The corn germ is the a little part of the corn. It’s about 8% of the whole corn. The corn germ contains about 40% oil. But corn germ usually got from corn germ starch processing plant. They can be used as cooking oil. The corn oil is good to cardiovascular function, so corn oil is more and more widely use now.

Rice bran

Rice bran. Rice bran is the part between rice and shell. Before, most of the rice bran is used as animal feed or as fuel. Now many people is interested in making rice bran oil. The oil content of rice bran is about 16-20%. The rice bran oil is known as one of the health oil in the world.

Castor seed

Castor seeds. It contains about 35-42% oil. It can be used as edible oil or cooking oil. Castor oil is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with a distinct taste and odor.

There are also many other kinds of oil seeds. Because each kind of oil seeds has different oil content, they need different processing method to produce different cooking oil. According to the features of each oil seed, Henan Doing Company can design the cooking oil production line for you. Welcome to contact us!

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