
Palm oil mill refining methods


Palm oil mill refining methods

Date:2016-09-13 16:44:56 Palm Oil Processing Plant /Give me the price / Leave a message
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The purpose of palm oil  mill refining :
Palm oil refining process refers to a series of refining processes that can remove phospholipids, FFA, pigment, off-flavor and other impurities in the palm oil. Palm oil refining process or vegetable oil refinery  is essential to ensure removal of gums, waxes, phosphatides and free fatty acid (F. F.A.) from the edible oil. To impart uniform color by removal of coloring pigments and to get rid of unpleasant smell from the palm oil by removal of odiferous matter.

palm oil mill plant

Palm oil mill plant

Palm oil mill refining process:
Palm oil refining usually includes the following sections: degumming and deacidification, decolorization, deodorization and fractionation. Palm oil refining method is according to different usages and requirements , utilizing the physical methods and chemical processes to get rid of the harmful impurities and needless substance in the crude palm oil , getting some standard oil.

palm oil refining machine

Palm oil refining machine

Refining methods for palm oil :
There are two refining methods for the palm oil refining in the palm oil refinery plant. They are physical refining and chemical refining. Physical refining means removing gum in palm oil during process of degumming in special method and removing FFA in process of deodorizing by steam. Chemical refining, however, means removing FFA in a chemical way ( Acid-base neutralization). Gum and soap foot produced is separated by centrifuges.

palm oil refining processing

Palm oil refining processing

Palm oil refining - Chemical Refining
1.The finished oil is consistent and stable.
2.Excellent adaptability and less requirement to oil quality.
3.Less bleaching earth is added into compared with physical refining.

Palm oil refining - Physical Refining
1.High oil refining rate, less oil loss.
2.No waste water discharged.
3.Especially suitable for oils of high acid value, and low gum content.
4.More FFA distilled out.

cooking oil refining plant

Cooking oil refining plant

Our palm oil refining plant is suitable for refining various crude cooking oil, such as sunflower oil, soybean seed oil, peanut oil, cotton seed oil, rice bran oil, corn germ oil etc.With Over 40 years experience of designing & installing & exporting complete cooking oil refining plant like palm oil refinery, we are the leading company in cooking oil refining field. We supply various cooking oil refining machine and technology to ensure that best final oil is achieved with the lowest production cost. If you'd like to get more information about palm oil refinery plant, please don't hesitate to contact us.



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